Thursday, March 17, 2011

He makes me laugh!

Sam:  Mom, can I have my lunch now, I am starving!
Me:  Sure, what do you want.
Sam:  A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Me:  That will be 4 kisses.  One for the bread, one for the peanut butter, one for the jelly, and one for the other bread.
Sam:  (wrinkles his nose) I'll just have a jelly sandwich.
Me:  That will be 3 kisses.
Sam:  Do I have to do it now, sigh?
Me:  Yep!
Sam:  OK.

Then he gets his famous little eye twinkle, puckers up and gives me three big ones!


  1. I LOVE it! I really think we need to set up some arranged for Jack, and one for Sam. :)
