Thursday, August 12, 2010

Are you kidding me?!?

It has been crazy around here. I got back from my trip to Alabama and then my brother Steve and his family came to visit the next week. We had so much fun, and I planned to post all about it, but Emily posted today and she did a great job. If you want to read about it, click here.

After they left, I had the busiest week of my whole life. I had several deadlines at work, a busy YW week, swimming lessons, scouts, and everything else that comes along with 3 little boys. I ended up working until swimming lessons almost every night, then staying up late to get everything else done. That would have been enough, but Sam started throwing up and had a fever - again. Being the best mom on the planet, I gave him Tylenol and made him go to swimming lessons. In my defense, what was I supposed to do with him while the other two had swimming lessons and swimming lessons are expensive! Don't worry I still feel guilty. Then Sam stuck his tongue out at me (in a totally darling way, not a naughty way :) cuz that is what kind of kid he is cuz I am such a great mom). It was covered in a white crust. So gross! From experience, I knew that Sam had a nasty strep infection and needed antibiotics. I took him into the instant care, they did a rapid strep test, and sure enough it was strep. We picked up the yucky pink medicine and started the fun. He felt better after the first dose, so we went about our daily routine. This consisted of me realizing at 2:30 in the afternoon that no one had eaten and asking Jack to feed them lunch. Nice.

Fast Forward to Tuesday. Work has calmed down, and things are almost back to normal when I notice that Sam has some spots on his belly as he got out of the pool. I called his pediatrician and scheduled an appointment for the next morning. When he woke up, he looked like this.
We rushed in and guess who is allergic to penicillin. He has had it several times without a reaction, and he had 8 out of 10 days worth of medicine, but from now on - penicillin is forbidden! I kept him home from swimming lessons last night; can you imagine what you would think if a kid got into the pool looking like this? The dilemma is what to do today. It is the last day, and Tyler is in Canada. Do I take him and risk the stares? Should I make a t-shirt that says, "I am not contagious!"? Or do I skip it all together and go the grand opening of Hobby Lobby?


  1. I am going to say Hobby Lobby. Okay, really? Make him wear a swim shirt. If you don't have one, Hobby Lobby. That is an amazing reaction. I swear, that kind of stuff never shows up on film. That is incredible.
    Thanks for the help on Star Wars. I have to think of a reason to just simply give my boy a gift:) At Sunday dinner they were all talking about their different trips to see you guys. I was crazy jealous. Wish we could make it happen.

  2. Wow. Poor Sam. Sorry that our trip added to your life's chaos!

  3. Hobby Lobby. Totally. I'll meet you there.

  4. I was laughing as I read this because I have done A LOT of those same things!'s what mom's do!! And those pictures were crazy!!
