Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Great Goggle Debacle!

Maybe, I should buy this poor kid some goggles. The problem is that I hate goggles. They never fit right, so the kids spend the whole time at swimming lessons adjusting their goggles instead of learning how to swim. The rubber piece breaks off, so you have to tie them with knots. Then they don't adjust properly, they are too loose, or too tight. All of these problems trigger whining.

This year, I have deflected the goggle request, but the other kid in Jack's classes has goggles. Oh the horror! Yesterday about a 1/2 hour before we left for lessons, Jack came up with a brilliant plan. I am pretty proud of myself. Instead of telling him that there was no way this was going to work, I took his directions, tied his knots, and almost kept a straight face. When he saw me smiling he said, "You are going to take a picture of this and put it on your blog aren't you?" Yes goofball, I am! After the bottles failed, he found a second alternative. A battery package was a lot closer to the proper shape, but alas it did not keep water out of his eyes. Then he asked Tyler to buy him goggles. Tyler said no, and he cried. Good times!

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