Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Soooooo Coooooold!

When every other word out of the weatherman's mouth is Arctic, you know you are in for it. We are expecting/experiencing record low temperatures this week. There are a couple feet of snow on the ground, school was cancelled because of the high winds, and Jack is in heaven. The kid stays outside in the snow for hours at a time. Sam has been a trooper and can stay out for almost an hour at a time. Jack was thrilled with his really cool invention today. He took a round sled and used it to slide down the slide on our swing set. I think it is a good thing I have insurance!
But this is the real reason I am blogging tonight! Jack came in from retrieving said sled with a bleeding tongue and lots of tears. He quickly explained that he put his tongue on something metal and it stuck and he had to pull it off and now he is bleeding. I am sorry, I am a horrible mom, but I laughed my head off - almost peed my pants. He was not impressed with my lack of sympathy. He also would have loved it if I wrapped his tongue in a gauze bandage just like they did on The Christmas Story movie, but I made him take a few sips of water and that was it. I asked him if he knew it would stick, and he said he didn't. He later confessed to Tyler that he knew it would stick, but not that bad. He also was unable to eat any salad with dinner because the ranch dressing hurt his tongue. I let him get away with that, because I was still laughing every time I looked at him. I should get credit for only asking him once if someone double dog dared him to do it.


  1. Oh, poor Jack. That makes my tongue hurt just thinking about it.

    We were all geared up for a blizzard here tonight, but got nothing.

  2. So So SO funny. I would have laughed too. Classic.

  3. Oh my gosh, that is so funny. I love it!

  4. hahahahha!! I would have done the EXACT same thing!!

  5. HIlarious. Poor Jack!

    We're getting hammered with snow tonight...
