Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa Time...

We took our annual trip to the mall to sit on Santa's lap. I love this, because I never know what is going to happen. This year all three boys were fine. Logan was not scared at all. He did escape Tyler at one point and ended up running all the way into JC Penny. Then Sam followed and we had two kids running through the mall. Yes - we are those parents. Jack was very serious, I started giving him tips and he said, "I know mom, talk loud, look him in the eye, and tell him what I want." His list was a bit long and very expensive. Sam was really quiet but cute. Logan sat on his lap when it was time for pics. Next we need to work on getting them all to look at the camera at the same time. But as far as Santa pics go, this one turned out pretty cute.


  1. That's a GREAT picture! Getting one better than that would take a miracle! Hee hee! And I was laughing at the "those parents" comment! Hilarious!!

  2. Great picture! I think you should post all of the Santa shots from each year together. I generally try to avoid mall Santas so I can dodge all of the questions. . .

    We wrapped your Christmas present tonight. . . so excited :)

  3. Lol about being "those" parents. We've been there one more than one occasion!

    Love the Santa pic--I hope ours is even close to that good!
