Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Highlights

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Here are some highlights:
Christmas Eve - The kids did not get to bed until after midnight on Christmas Eve because of all the excitement. Christmas Eve with friends, funniest nativity recreation directed by the funniest 10 year old in town. A note to Santa asking him how thick his suit is. Oatmeal spread out all over the front yard for the reindeer. Jack wonders if there are any wild reindeer that fly. Christmas books with Dad, new super hero PJs, Sam spends most of the night grumpy and crying, doesn't understand why he cannot open all of his presents. I am up past 2 am wrapping. Logan runs to the tree every time we get out the camera and poses for a picture just so we will show it to him on the camera display.

Christmas Morning - Kids are amazed at the presents under the tree. Logan opens his first gift (A dinosaur flashlight that roars) and doesn't want anything else. What he does open becomes a stand for his dinosaur. All wishes and dreams come true when the Wirick's join the current decade and finally get a Wii. Kids play with race tracks all morning, and Wii all afternoon. I pack for the trip to Utah. Tyler is sick in bed, tries to help pack between nausea. Kids figure out that the Zhu Zhu pets can ride down the fisher price race track and enjoy that until bed time.

Day after Christmas - 10 hour drive to Utah. We beat the storm out of town and have a great/safe drive. DVD player saves the trip and keeps kids mesmerized. Sam asks if we are in Utah every half hour. Sam confuses the word Montana with September and keeps asking us if we are still in September - every half hour. Sam starts singing, "All I want for Christmas is my Grandma!" No tears or major issues on the trip, and we make it to Utah by dinner time and early enough to meet our new darling Lilly (My sister Karen's new baby).

While in Utah - FHE at Temple Square with cousin Jake. Note to self: 4 little boys at temple square/not such a good idea, it sounds like this, "Jack, Jake, Sam, Logan stop that, get over here, be quiet, your going to get lost, get back here, keep your hands off of each other..." Their favorite part was touching the temple. Cute. Whitney cousins Christmas party, Wirick family party, date with Tyler (love the movie True Grit - a must see), temple with Tyler (thanks grandparents for babysitting), lots of Sonora grill - seriously yummy!, more Christmas presents, visiting with our parents, a horse drawn sleigh ride to see the elk at Hardware Ranch, the storm of the century that really wasn't :), a little bit of work (good thing we have cell phones and laptops), traditional birthday crafts with my nieces Gracie and Rachel, Jack's mandated reading - getting started on Harry Potter, the Ballard cousin (little kids) New Years party at Emily's, spending time with Karen, Tyson, and Lilly, and finally - Lilly's baby blessing. Things I missed - spending more time visiting with my sister's in law and my brothers; everyone was so busy. We didn't see any friends this year.

The drive back - The weather was pretty good until the Monida pass. It was a bit scary for a little while. The kids want to move to Utah and they miss Grandma. The kids were ornery! At one point, Jack demanded that we turn around and go back to a town where he could get something to eat. He could not wait 20 more minutes to the next town, and he didn't want anything from the cooler or bag of snacks. Jack finally finished his reading assignment, and most of his homework. Sam required benedryl for a runny nose - a few hours of peace. Logan napped pretty good on the way home. I read "To Kill a Mockingbird" out loud while Tyler drove. One of our favorite things to do. Picked Charlie up from boarding. We got home by 5 pm, so I helped Jack finish his homework, I got unpacked and put the Christmas decorations away. I am still trying to get caught up with the laundry.

Now we are back to work, school, and church responsibilities. Back to cold cereal and Little Caesar's pizza for dinner when things get to much to handle. Back to reality!

1 comment:

  1. Looks and sounds like a wonderful Christmas to me! Your Christmas card was darling too! And I remember the days when our kids enjoyed the BOXES more than the GIFT! Too funny!
