Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cute Dad...

Yesterday, Sam got all giddy and told me that his dad was coming home and taking him to lunch. I called Tyler to find out if he knew about that. Sam had told him to come home and take him to lunch, but Tyler had not agreed to his plan, but he didn't actually tell him no either. Instead of telling him no, Tyler decided that he could come home and take him to lunch. Sam was very excited!

When Tyler arrived he asked Sam where he wanted to go - fully expecting him to say McDonalds. Surprisingly, he did not want McDonalds. He wanted, "a taco from a place that sells hamburgers like Subway." Wow, what do you do with that? I guess they settled on Subway and had a great time. I love that Tyler took time to do this, and Sam was thrilled to get some time with his dad.

Because he loves me, he also took Logan. We are having an issue with Logan lately. He will not sit in a highchair or a shopping cart. He instantly turns around and stands up. It does not matter how tight you have the little seat belt tightened. We have one of those insert/cover things that has shoulder straps, but he just pulls up until he and the cover are free. It is annoying and scary, because as soon as he is standing, he starts plotting an escape usually over the back of the chair, or at home onto the tray. Feeding him lately has not been very much fun. I am kind of sorry that I asked Tyler to take Logan with them.

Later that night, I had to go to young womens. Tyler decided (all on his own) to make the kids green scrambled eggs and green french toast for dinner. Jack invited his friend Isaac over. As soon as Tyler put the food on Sam's plate, he started bawling. He would not eat the green food. Jack and Isaac tried to convince him, but he would not even taste it. He ended up with a bowl of cereal for dinner. I asked him this morning if he had green eggs and french toast for dinner. He pulled a perfect pouty face and said, "No, I don't yike that green stuff." Jack however thinks his dad is pretty cool for thinking of such a great idea for St. Patricks day.


  1. Dad's are the best!! Sounds like you got a great one for your kids!! Sooooo cute!!

  2. What a good dad!! That was so fun of him to take the boys to lunch, AND to make such a cool St. Patrick's Day dinner. My girls won't eat anything green, either. Actually, they won't eat anything, lol.

    I can't believe that Logan!! Have you tried duct tape? :)
