Thursday, August 20, 2009

Nap Strike!

Sam is on a nap strike, and nothing I do has been succesful in getting him to nap or even to have some quiet time in his room. When I tell him it is time for a nap he says, "I no yike-a to take a nap." The other day he was playing in the living room while I worked and it got way too quiet. I went to investigate and this is what I found. He really still needs to take a nap!


  1. I'm just jealous he takes naps at girls stopped when they were 2!!

  2. Man, you are good at this blogging thing. I don't know why, but I have not been getting your updates. Is their any way you would be willing to set me up on the email alert? It is in your settings. These post are so funny. I love that the Coke & the peanut-butter/chocolate ice-cream made you feel better:)
