Friday, February 26, 2010


It has been a big month for the boys. Here are some pictures of a few of their milestones.

#1 Jack's tooth finally fell out. He had been sure that it would fall out every day for a few months. Before I even had a chance to post this picture, he lost the exact tooth on the opposite side. The tooth fairy has been busy at our house.
#2 "Where's Logan?" I say this about 100 times a day. The kid loves to hide under beds, in drawers, etc. On this night he had pulled out his toy box and climbed right in to play. We watched him play like this for almost 1/2 hour.
#3 I couldn't stand Logan's baby mullet or the long hair growing over his ears any longer, so we took Logan in for his first haircut with Jenna at the Hair Zoo. She is awesome and all of my boys love to get their hair cut at her shop. Here are some before, during, and after shots. The after shot is not very good, but his hair looks so cute. He looks like a little man now. Our baby times are flying by as we get closer and closer to Logan's first birthday.


  1. Oh goodness, look at those eyes and eyelashes on Jack! Yay for the tooth fairy! Hopefully she is more on top of things at your house. :)

    What a little dolly Mr. Logan is! I love the haircut. I wish we had a place like that here--

  2. Anna lit up when she saw the pictures of your boys!! How fun that they will get to know each other now.

    LOVE the haircut!
